[:nl]Logo Cityplot – grow the city green[:en]Cityplot, grow the city green[:]


Cityplot ventures to enthuse urban-dwelling individuals and collaboratives alike to be involved in nature and the cycles of its natural seasons. This involves YOU and can be as simple a measure as starting an herb garden in your kitchen window or on your own balcony, or telling us about one you’ve already established. Alternatively, it can be as ambitious as starting up a community garden.

cityplot.org [:en]Cityplot ventures to enthuse urban-dwelling individuals and collaboratives alike to be involved in nature and the cycles of its natural seasons. This involves YOU and can be as simple a measure as starting an herb garden in your kitchen window or on your own balcony, or telling us about one you’ve already established. Alternatively, it can be as ambitious as starting up a community garden.

cityplot.org [:]

[:en]More work[:nl]Meer werk[:]